Expert witness services | UTC Singapore
with accident & fire investigation and traffic reconstruction
for litigation & insurance dispute claims
What is Expert Witness Services ?
Expert witness is a person with scientific, technical, engineering or other specialised knowledge based on training, study or experience. Expert witness can be engineers, scientists, consultants, doctors and other professions with extensive relevant knowledge. The key of the expert witness services is Competence, Experience and Qualification of EXPERT himself, not organization he is from.
UTC accident expert and fire expert with extensive relevant experience in litigation, dispute or lawsuit cases were engaged by Singapore government agencies (MOM, SCDF, ESG, PUB), MNCs and insurance companies for investigating a number of high profile accident and fire cases in Singapore, lecturing "Vehicle Fire Investigation" for LTA and testifying in Singapore court as fire expert witness and accident expert witness. UTC expert had been featured in Straits Times and MediaCorp TV programs in Singapore for failure analysis and accident investigation.
Lawyer's review on UTC expert witness service: We are impressed by Dr Yu's professionalism, knowledge and commitment till the last minute. He was objective and determined to ensure that his findings were fair and accurate so that the Court will have the input it needs. We definitely look forward to working with Dr Yu again. - from Grace Law LLC

UTC accident investigation expert Dr George YU featured in Singapore Mediacorp TV programs
The criteria for effective expert witness are whether his accident investigation report and expert opinions are fully accepted and adopted by the Court and Judge in lawsuit, insurance claim or technical litigation, and the report conclusions and expert opinions shall be relevant & critical to the litigation. Only the conclusions and opinions provided by more competent expert witness will be accepted and adopted by the Court and Judge when there are disagreements.
- Expert witness must know his duties to the Court overriding any other duties.
- Expert witness must be honest, objective and impartial.
- Expert witness shall have sufficient relevant experience, training and qualification.
- When requested, expert witness shall submit the accident investigation report with clear conclusions supported by enough facts, evidences and proven scientific principles.
- In Court hearing, expert witness shall present his testimony in a clear and convincing manner.
UTC's Expert Witness Service
UTC's expert witness services and accident investigation services had been well recognized by Singapore government agencies (e.g. SCDF, MOM, PUB, RSAF, ESG (ex-SPRING), LTA) and many MNCs (e.g. Hyundai Korea, Takenaka Japan, China Rail Tunnel Group, AIG, MSIG Insurance, Rajah & Tann (Lawyer Firm), WongPartnership (Lawyer Firm), NTUC Health, Universal Terminal (Oil and Gas), SEMCO Marine).
UTC's experts, providing relevent expert witness service and accident investigation reports, had been proven and accepted by High Court, State Court, Criminal Court and Arbitration Court.
UTC's experts are capable and competent to act as fire expert witness, accident expert witness, traffic expert witness, crane expert witness and failure analysis expert witness in legal lawsuits, insurance claim and technical litigations.
To contact UTC forensic investigation experts for expert witness services in lawsuit, insurance claim or technical litigation, please click or Call (65)81380509.
Accident Types Related to Expert Witness Services
There are different types of accidents, including industrial accidents, work related accidents, machinery related accidents, traffic accidents, fire accidents. These accidents are potentially resulting in litigation and Court cases, and may required to engage expert witness.
- Industrial accident investigation or work related accident / incident investigation, refer to Forensic industrial accident investigation services.
- Traffic accident reconstruction or road accident investigation, refer to Traffic accident reconstruction services.
- Fire investigation, refer to Fire investigation services.
- Crane accident investigation, please click Crane accident investigation.
- Failure analysis related accident investigation, please click Failure analysis services.