Traffic Accident Reconstruction Services and Traffic Expert Witness
UTC traffic expert had been featured in Straits Times and MediaCorp TV programs for accident investigation, and called by journalists for providing expert opinions on traffic accidents. UTC's accident investigation services are cost-effective, validated by a number of awards on relevant projects from government tenders in GeBiz.
UTC's traffic expert witness service and accident investigation reports were validated and accepted by High Court, State Court, Criminal Court and Arbitration Court.
Lawyer's review on UTC traffic accident reconstruction service: We are impressed by Dr Yu's professionalism, knowledge and commitment till the last minute. He was objective and determined to ensure that his findings were fair and accurate so that the Court will have the input it needs. We definitely look forward to working with Dr Yu again. - from Grace Law LLC

UTC accident investigation expert Dr George YU featured in Singapore Mediacorp TV programs
UTC's traffic experts and traffic reconstruction expert with extensive forensic traffic accident reconstruction experience, who are PhD in relevant disciplines, Chartered Engineer (UK) and Member of National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists (USA), provide high quality, reliable and cost effective forensic traffic accident reconstruction services to determine causes of traffic accidents, reconstruct traffic accident processes and recommend countermeasures to prevent traffic accident recurrence in respects of collisions, impacts, crash, injuries and vehicle damages, and acting as traffic accident expert witness testifying in Singapore Court for civil claim and criminal charge.
UTC accident reconstruction experts were engaged by government agencies (MOM, SCDF, ESG, PUB), MNCs and insurance companies (Hyundai Korea, Takenaka Japan, China Raiway Tunnel Group, AIG, MSIG Insurance, NTUC Health Group, SEMCO Marine, and Lawyer Firms of Rajah & Tann and WongPartnership, etc.) for investigating & reconstructing a number of high profile accident cases, lecturing "Failure Investigation Analysis" for RSAF & "Vehicle Fire Investigation" for LTA, testifying in Courts as traffic expert witness and accident expert witness for civil claim and criminal charge.